Picks of the month – May 2015

Posted by Gjermund Bjaanes on May 24, 2015

Welcome to Picks of the month, where I share a few things I have found useful the last month.

It can be anything from blog posts and software tools to books and techniques.

This month I have a couple of resources I think you might really benefit from. One is a developer resource that any web developer should be familiar with, the other an aid for your mind.

I hope you enjoy this month’s picks!


#1 MDN - Mozilla Developer Network

MDN is a great site for all things web documentation. MDN is one of the sites that usually comes up when you google for html, css or javascript stuff. They are a much more open and comprehensive resource than their counterpart w3schools.

The provide documentation for Web API’s, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. They also have great tutorials for learning these technologies.

Mozilla Developer Network

Mozilla Developer Network Web Site

If you are a front-end developer, you should bookmark this page:



#2 Headspace

I have always like the idea of meditation and mindfulness. It always was on my ‘someday’ list to get started with it in some form.

I was inspired by this talk by Igor Minar (from the Angular Core Team) from ng-conf 2015:

He also made a page for this particular talk that you can check out here:


During the talk, Igor recommends an app called Headspace. Headspace has guided meditations that are really great.

Headspace help you understand the concepts of meditation and mindfullness in a very smooth way. It’s mostly practical, but you gain some insight into the general practice as well, which is nice.

They have a huge library of guided (and un-guided) meditations that help you every step of the way. You can get started without knowing anything about the processes.

They also provide a 10-day free trail where you can do a 10-day start course to see if it’s a good fit for you. I highly recommend you try this service if you are at all curious about the benefits this can provide for you.


Headspace - Gym Membership for your Mind

Headspace - Gym Membership for your Mind


Take a look at Headspace’s website:


Headspace is available on the Web and as a mobile app:

Apple App Store (iTunes)

Android Play Store

Follow me on Twitter: @gjermundbjaanes